Oh shittity shit!

I am great at having ideas. I have them all the time - great fantastic ideas about huge long runs and how wonderful finishing them would feel. Often I get distracted and forget them, sometimes I shorten them, and occasionally I see sense, but sometimes I actually get round to committing to a date and saying I'll give them a try.

That's when I wonder whether they were actually good ideas at all. They suddenly take on a life of their own and become quite scary. Suddenly there's loads to do and I don't feel anywhere near as strong as when I had the idea.

Alternative easy options creep in... "Maybe I need a weekend off?", "I need to repair those windows, paint the kitchen, and the car will never get done if I spend all my time running.". On the path from idea to startline, this hump is the biggest challenge. Once you're over it and you realise it's all just for fun, your mates are ready to come and help regardless of the outcome, and there are thousands more weekends on the way, a calm takes over.

I'm not quite there yet, I'm still scaling the hump, but I'm near the top. On Monday I was looking at weather forecasts hoping they would say bad things and give me a legitimate reason to cancel, yesterday I was pleased they don't, and today I'm delighted. Boxes of food and kit are starting to build up in corners of the house, and the thing that really made it feel real was booking a tracker. That arrived today. Cost me 30 quid so I'll be damned if I'm cancelling now.

I obviously have no idea whether I can do it or not. I have massive respect for the two people who already have, but I want to try. If you want to see how it does, here's the link -http://live.opentracking.co.uk/dbgsw19/


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