The end of summer?

I've just realised it's been a month since I wrote a blog, so it seemed a good time to have a think about what I've been doing...

The weekdays seem to have been taken up with work (shock horror!) and the weekends with weddings, so it's been a month of squeezing training in around other things. One of the weddings happened to be that of Stu and Debs from Accelerate, it was a great day in the Peak with plenty of games, dancing, food and beer! Unsurprisingly there were many runners in attendance, such as a certain England mountain runner spotted here trying a new sport...

Training-wise we've been trying to get some speed into my legs. I'm not sure how well it's worked, but there have been a few tough sessions so I hope it has at least helped! It's been all training though as I have not raced since Bradwell, so I'm looking forward to some competitive running on 21st September.

I have also spent some time on preparations for the Adventure Racing World Championships in Costa Rica, which I'm racing as part of a team of four. It's going to be massive in every sense - 9 days of continuous expedition racing, from one side of the country to the other! My flights are booked and I'm going to get my jabs soon... I've also acquired an inflatable kayak to get some blow-up bathtub practice, and I've been trying to add some technical sections into my rides to bring my biking up to scratch. I had a cracking ride out yesterday, despite very damp conditions!

Running is going well, despite a few setbacks - a couple of days illness/fatigue was all until this morning... I locked the house door, put the key in my pack, turned and ran out of the drive... CRAAAASH I was on the floor, within 2 seconds of starting! So I shortened my run today and spent a while picking gravel out of my knees, elbows, and hand. Nothing too serious but it was bloody painful! It's been an unlucky couple of days as yesterday morning on my way to work, I hit and killed a Pigeon on my bike. It totally shocked me - I thought it would move and never imagined I was actually going to hit it! So have been feeling pretty bad since then, sorry Mr. Pigeon.

Anyway, moving on... It's High Peak 40 next weekend :)


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