Lovely new gear

I never imagined myself as a clothing model, but yesterday I found myself doing just that! Well, sort of... it wasn't normal clothing, it was some lovely new running kit from Inov-8.

Inov-8 had sent Accelerate some of their new clothing range a few weeks before it goes on sale, and I was lucky enough to be given it to test, wear for some photos, and generally promote! Hence an afternoon wearing the full range, from shorts and t-shirt (appropriate for the weather) to full waterproofs and long tights (a bit warm!), while running up and down the Rivelin valley and having some photos taken.

The kit looks great, I haven't worn much of it in anger yet but I ran in the shorts today and broke my Lose Hill record, which must be a good omen! Training is going well and I am looking forward to running the Long  Tour of Bradwell in August, which I have been recce-ing to make sure I avoid a disaster like last year...

So here we go, the beginnings of my modelling career? Maybe stick to running... Thanks again Inov-8 and Accelerate!


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