Soon it begins!

Well it's been a while since Dark Mountains now, but this weekend marks the end of any winter break ultra-distance racing might have taken... And the beginning of a busy year!

Friday night sees hundreds of runners set off from Edale for the annual overnight bogfest that is the High Peak Marathon (or "t'Watershed" if you've been doing it long enough!). I will again be racing with the Avon Mountain Athletes with Martin, Tim and Martin. We've finished 2nd and 3rd in the last two years so hopefully we can have a good run...

After HPM it's birthday time for my sponsor, Accelerate ( I'll be down at the shop on Saturday helping them celebrate and hopefully getting a look at the new Salomon S-lab gear.

Then on Sunday I'm off to ShAFF, the amazing film festival which takes place in Sheffield each year. It's on all weekend and there are some fantastic films being shown.

Then next weekend is the first race of the runfurther series... 2013 has certainly started!


  1. Good Luck Stuart. Quite hard underfoot today, might not be too boggy!


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