Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I'm aware there is quite possibly no-one reading, but sometimes a blog is useful just to write down thoughts and get things sorted in my head. This is one of these times.

So 2011 has come around quickly... Am I ready for the Alps?
Training - Going well. First Adventure Race of the year on Sunday...
Route - Sorted.
Kit - Sorted.
Fundraising - Slight sticking point...

Currently I have raised nothing, this is no use to Water for Kids! I need to get more publicity, be in some magazines and stuff, and get people interested enough to sponsor me. In order to do this I have a plan. Influential friends will be contacted and I will try to get articles published and generally generate a bit of interest around the event. By doing this I think I can get sufficient interest to raise £10,000.

However, I think to do this I will need to leave the main event until 2012. I'm reluctant to do this as I am ready, but if I do it this year I won't raise as much money as I want to. The plan is now to do the Big Alps Run in July 2012, but to start the now on the publicity and fundraising. To do this I will be doing some warm-up events, the main one of which will be an attempt at the South West Coastal Path Solo Record. I plan to run the 630 miles from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorest in two weeks, starting on 11th June 2011.

Hopefully the SWCP (and some other stuff to come) done under the Big Alps Run name will be a good way of generating some interest and raising some charity cash!


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