
Showing posts from November, 2014

Almost back in the real world!

As you can read about on my other blog , last week I handed in my PhD thesis... This is pretty significant, it means (subject to the agreement of my examiners in my viva in early December) that my PhD will be at and end, and I will be a Doctor of engineering! Celebrating hand-in with all day breakfast... Due to changing rules and exploding computers, the last few weeks of writing prior to the submittal have been pretty intense. I've enjoyed it, and the last week coincided nicely with the Adventure Racing World Championships in Ecuador which meant I didn't feel too alone during the long nights, but this has curbed training quite a lot. I have still been very lucky and managed to get out pretty much every day, but only for half- or an hour at most. Pleeeeeease take us out to play! So, this blog post is just a quick one to say that I'm back! I started this weekend to ramp training back up to pre last-month-of-thesis levels (I got excited today - two runs and a m...