
Showing posts from May, 2012

OK, here we go...

Right, tomorrow I set off. I'm having the usual nerves and thinking how much nicer it would be to stay at home for a month than to go off and do stupid things, but that was always expected! So this will be a short post, just to update anyone who's interested on how you can follow where I am... The easiest way to see where I am is to use the Big Alps Run website (, which has a Twitter box on the left hand side. Here you will be able to see when I update my location through Twitter. If you click on the "mrstuartwalker" words at the top of the twitter box, it will take you to a link with my tweets. Some you can click on and see a photo, and some will take you to a map showing where I am. I will be using a Nokia maps application to send a map position and (sometimes) photo to my Facebook profile. This will also appear on Twitter. However, your facebook account may or may not be able to show the map! If it can't, or if you don't have a faceb...